A TURBULENT BLUE SKY THROUGH WHICH THE YELLOW SUN GREETS EVERY CREATURE UNDER ITS PRESENCE. "The Sun on the canvas glares straight into our eyes, blinding and overpowering us with its warmth and glow. The subtle traces of oil created an impression of a turbulent blue sky through which the yellow Sun greets every creature under its presence. Its rays are directed into the Earth's surface and heat it and nourish, sometimes even too much. The half-dried plant in the foreground witnesses the Sun's lavish gifts." Eva | Painter
We bring this Sun landscape oil painting to your attention with love and care to all art and nature lovers. It represents the beauty and power of the sky-life with two giants living there, the Sun and the Sky. As an artwork of impressionism style, it reveals the feelings and interpretations of the artist, uniquely illustrating the Sun. It is a hand-painted piece of fine art with stunning brushstrokes of blue and red different shades, each giving its own emotion and sense.
Order now for your living space and fill it with the warmness and care of Nature.
Technique Oil on canvas
Details Style & subject: landscape, fine art
Country of origin: USA
Fit Stretched: on a supported wooden frame
Unstretched: rolled canvas